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Saturday, July 24, 2010

lol brazilian gamman

While I was at work Friday, a co-worker brought to my attention that there was a videogame-related event taking place at a mall in the southern part of the city, and made it sound really cool. Being that gaming is one of my biggest hobbies, and that the ticket to get in was only 20 brdollars (basically ten bucks), it sounded like a pretty good deal.

Having just gotten back from there, it wasn't really that great.

Basically the exhibit was split up in 6 areas: history of videogames, history of Mario, Rock Band area, soccer area, FPS area, and PS3 area.

While the history of videogames and Mario sections were interesting and informative, the fact that it's a historical exhibit means all the games on display were basically all shit I'd already played, or could easily play if I felt like it (through emulators). Though, it was kind of neat to be able to play on an actual Atari 2600, and hold the Sega Saturn and Dreamcast controllers. I played New Super Mario Bros Wii for a few minutes and decided to go do something else.

The Rock Band and Soccer games area both pertain to subjects I'm not particularly interested in, so I didn't really bother with either, though I did note the Soccer area had the biggest TV in the whole event (unsurprising given Brazil's huge soccerfaggotry).

I then decided to check out the FPS area, which had only two games up (one on 360 and one on PS3). Had it not been for the game's posters and what the guys playing them were saying, I honestly wouldn't have been able to tell you what games they were. What is it with all FPS's looking so much alike?

The 360 game was, unsurprisingly, Halo 3, which I actually got to play for about 15 minutes.

First impression: "...this is kind of like Quake."

Second impression: "...this is a lot like Quake."

Third and final impression: "...yeah this is Quake."

Not necessarily bad or unpolished, but yeah.

MAG I played for a few minutes and got bored when the novelty of shooting shit got old. For some reason, although Halo 3 was pretty much occupied the entire time, not that many people seemed to care about MAG.

The PS3 section was probably the most interesting, if only because, given the hefty prices electronics in general fetch here due to prohibitive import taxes, I have not had much experience with this generation of consoles in general. There were 5 games: some Splinter Cell game (which was actually for the PS2, but whatever), which I just overlooked; Modnation Racers, which I overlooked; Uncharted, which I got to play for a while; Heavy Rain, which I looked at but didn't really play; and God of War 3, which I played for about 10 minutes.

God of War 3 is a visually stunning game, as most of you who've seen anything from it will have noticed by now, but in terms of actual gameplay it doesn't really feel much different from any of the others. I got bored and decided to look for something else to do, even though I'd waited for a good half hour to be able to play it at all (demand for the game was pretty big, apparently).

Uncharted I played for about half an hour, which I could do so because nobody really seemed to give a shit about it. Funny, because it was easily the highlight of the event for me. I really enjoyed the little I played of it, it's a really fun and well-made game and I definitely want to play it from start to finish.

Basically, what I've learned from this: brazilians are gay for Halo and God of War (just like americans), God of War 3 is sameshitty, Halo is Quake, and Uncharted is cool beans.

It's events like this that make me realize what an odd case I am amongst most brazilians who play videogames, given how much more I know and care about the medium than pretty much anyone else here that I've personally met and conversed with on the subject.

Taylor sucks because he's going to Comicon and will without question have a much better time with that than I did with this.

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