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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Top 10 Mario Games: Number 5

And now it gets difficult.

5. Super Mario Bros. 3

Super Mario Bros. 3 essentially took the original Super Mario Bros and added improved level layouts, a more-preferred sprite design, and some creative and interesting power-ups. The result was an incredibly fun game that was not only brighter and cuter than the original, but even more fun.

Super Mario Bros. 3 is one of the industry's best-selling video games, and for good reason. The design is flawless, the music is enjoyable, and the gameplay is the same fun it was as in the first game. Plus, Super Mario Bros. 3 has the Koopa Kids, who are perhaps the coolest characters in the entire series. They are cute and enjoyable, and I suppose they were the first proof that Bowser is indeed sane enough to actually birth and care for children (perhaps not well enough, as they are rather easy to defeat).

The power-ups in this game are particularly memorable, which is both great and sad. Great because the Tanooki Suit, the Frog Suit, and the Warp Whistle were all innovative and extremely awesome additions to the series. Sad because we may never see them again, although the Tanooki Suit sort of saw a redesign as the Cape in Super Mario World. The power-ups, however crazy they are, still made for funner gameplay and a better time. Props, Nintendo.

Innovative. Ingenious. Fantastic. How do you beat Super Mario Bros 3?

You make games number 4 and up.


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